"That is the Full, this is the full;
From that Full has this full come forth.
Having taken the full from the Full
Verily the Full Itself remains."
"I also knew that none of that could interfere with or diffuse the peace that was my birthright and essence, ever present and ever possible. Not just mine: everyone's. It was beyond acceptance. In that moment, present to how it is and must be, I knew there was nothing to accept–except in the sense of gladly receive."
- Gabor Mate, The Myth of Normal
"Thus in balanced union, avoiding any one-sided intellectualism, emotionalism, or activity, head, heart and hands all fixed on Thou, filled with Thou, transmuted to Thine nature, we tread the Royal Path on which the Soul, dying to self, rising again in Self, knows the Eternal Swan and, having known, crosses beyond all death."
- Sri Krishna Prem, The Yoga of the Bhagavat Gita
"And, in the glorious December light, as happens only once or twice in lives that can henceforth see themselves as crowned with every blessing, I found exactly what I had come to seek.
It was as if the morning had stood still, as if the sun has stopped for an immeasurable moment. Amid this light, years of night and fury melted slowly away. I listened to an almost forgotten sound within myself, as if my heart had long been stopped and was now gently beginning to beat again.
A blackbird chirped it's brief prelude and immediately, from all around, birds' voices exploded with a strength, a jubilation, a joyful discord, an infinite delight.
I rediscovered at Tipasa that, in order to prevent justice from shrivelling up, from becoming a magnificent orange containing only a dry and bitter pulp, we had to keep a freshness and a source of joy intact within ourselves, loving the daylight which injustice leaves unscathed, and returning to the fray with this reconquered light. Here once more I found ancient beauty, a young sky, and measured my good fortune as I realised at last that in the worst years of our madness the memory of this sky had never left me. It was this which in the end had saved me from despair. I had always known that the ruins of Tipasa were younger that our new buildings or our crumbling towns. There, the world was born again in a light that was always new. O light! This is the cry of all the characters who, in classical tragedy, come face to face with their destiny. Their final refuge was also ours, and now I knew that this was so. In the depths of winter I finally learned that there lay in me an unconquerable summer.
But this still sounds like ethics, and we live for something that goes beyond them. If we could name it, what silence would ensue!"
- Albert Camus, Return To Tipasa
Therefore he sees once more the Form of his loved Teacher in his own heart and in the hearts of all, though, as reminder of the glorious Vision, the Form is Crowned and bears the Mace and Discus, symbols of the Lord of Time. He knows that He who sits within his heart is throned beyond all Time and that, however thick the fight may press upon him, his final victory is sure, since He who rules his heart rules all the worlds.
- Sri Krishna Prem, The Yoga of the Bhagavat Gita