chapter eighteen - innocence

alma mater

"The last word would belong, not to time, but to joy." - Penelope Fitzgerald

Greet with gratitude god in every moment.
Dance with joy the endless variations.
Open with love the heart given you,
which beats in fractal rhythm
the overwhelmingly obvious fact:
I am, myself, all this.

"... Could we be here, then
in order to say: house,
bridge, fountain, gate, pitcher, apple-tree, window...

And the things, even as they pass,
understand that we praise them.
Transient, they are trusting us
to save them—us, the most transient of all."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

Repeatedly see this
infinite one
I am,
just this is it.

"It is essentially such a simple work [...] The simplicity conveys such greatness. This shows us that, to Bach, the most important message of the whole is: Grant us peace." - Musicians of the Netherlands Bach Society

chapter nineteen