chapter nine - convergdance
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"Like a stick used to stir
the funeral pyre,
my questions are burning too."
"Languages are ecological intensities, fields of resonances, material in their effects." - Bayo Akomolafe
"I'm a wordologist. Words' what's doing this. You've got to have numerology. You've got to have phonetics. You've got to have all these things and then the world will straighten out. They worship the Son of God but they don't understand. In French, Son's equal to 'sound', so, 'sound of God'. They've got it wrong. They think it's 'the son'. They say the word was made flesh. It's really about sound - and it wasn't made flesh, it was made fresh. All these things the creator told me in Alabama. I'm dealing with words that can prove themselves - that can prove themselves to be correct." - Sun Ra
One, seven, three, five.
What you search for cannot be grasped.
As the night deepens,
the moon brightens over the ocean.
The black dragon's jewel
is found in every wave.
Looking for the moon,
it is here in this wave
and the next.
- Hsueh-t'ou Ch'ung-hsien