finding the blue book

water is falling here, in the city where my life took form, totally drenching everything without being in any way hard. i have been waiting for this kind of rain animal all my life, and in all the many deaths it has entailed. now, there is just the sound of gratitude pouring down, without the need to be translated.

there is a way, the rain sings, to find love in every world we meet in this mani fold existence. to be at one, without demanding that the many make sense. there is a way to atone, and to be forgiven, and to forgive.

welcome to the fifth, final, and infinite part of the blue book trilogy. as with every part before it, it builds on the work of countless others and would not be possible without each one of them, nor would it be meaningful without you, and who you are before my words. this is for you. this is for you. this is for you.

every chapter has a guardian. while i have found this version of the blue book, each guardian cares for the token which controls the code used to display where that chapter is in these infinite shelves. as such, they can change the code to point somewhere else. they can sell the token to another. they can do nothing. the array of choices guardians have is as endless as their own innate creative potential. the critical point is that each act any guardian takes is itself an artistic statement, and that is my intention with this project.

i mean to create sacred economic space. technologies like ethereum tie financial value to speech acts, so we can create ceremonial transactions where every economic agent is also an artist by virtue of how they choose to express the value of their gifts.


first of all, you need to know about the library of babel. made with the letters of the latin alphabet, along with a space, a period and a comma, it contains all possible pages of writing. the names of every type of protea on table mountain, the number of butterflies that have flown out to sea on their one way migration over mozambique every year, the amount of ash that the ganges has carried, along with the names of every person that ash once was. in it can be found the secret chord that pleased the lord and the most lewd french song ever sung. somewhere in the endless shelves you will find the histories of every world as well as the science fiction short story that would have saved them from their multiple fates.

the point is, everything ever written on a page of 3200 characters is already in the library of babel. this entire book was already in the library. all i had to do to find it was write it. so who, then, is the real author. whence authority.